Be sure to check out the survey on the blog sidebar!


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Looking for Mods!

I'm on a hunt for moderators for my new chat.  I already got one friend on the job, but I need a few more.  If you're interested, create a chatango account, and then tell me the chat your scratch username and your chatango username.  Thanks for the help!

Winter Break is Coming!

Well, people of scratch-land, today is my last night of actual homework.  I have a field trip Friday, and everything is due tomorrow, therefore tonight is my final night of work.  It's a hard one though.

I have 7 prompts to edit and revise, one prompt to extend and revise, piano practice, soccer practice, 10 spanish sentences to write, a science assignment, and a social studies group project.  *whew.*

But, I'm almost done, AND I'm procrastinating by telling you guys about it all!  Win-win! Anyway, I'd mostly like to share with you some random physics project I made about planet gravity.  Here it is:


Hai everyone!  I'm back in action!  Today I'm going to tell you something extremely important:


(I almost published that and had "dog" spelled "god".  Good thing I revise!)
Anyway, I have a golden retriever poodle mix, her name is Macy, and she's 11 (very old). She is amazing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Got bored so I drew this turtle:

BorrisTV Story Contest

You guys have probably noticed that I haven't been very active on my BorrisTV account.  I did post one episode of Redwater (which was terrible) and a Mondays episode (which was actually pretty good), but otherwise no Borris Park episodes.  I have all of the characters drawn, I just need a good story.  So that's why I'm coming to you all for an answer.  

If you can come up with a good short (and feasible) story for my first Borris Park episode, I'll use it!

Thanks for the help guys! (Also, please post your story in the comments or on the chat.)

Here are the basic characters: (tee-hee)


Yay!  I just added a chat Programia!  Enjoy!

Winter Break!

So excited for winter break!  I get out on friday this week!  I'm probably going to go sledding with friends and do some scratch.  Comment what you guys are doing for you're winter break!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Should scratchers be able to be featured twice?

After being featured a second time, I have come to a conclusion.  I don't think scratchers should be able to be featured twice, because it just uncovers the same person twice.  Featuring is for uncovering lesser known scratchers.  Repeating the feature is kind of a waste.  You may not have this opinion though- you can give your opinion in the poll on the right side of the page.  

The poll data will be presented to the scratch team January 1st, so put in your opinion quick!

OP Free

Since a lot of people were complaining that the pills in my game "Bumperz" were too OP, I made a pill free version.  Enjoy!

A Random Update

Just got followed by this person and felt the need to share it with you guys:


Hey everyone!  I just started this thing up, mostly because something very exciting happened recently!  I GOT FEATURED A SECOND TIME! :D

I opened my computer and found 1014 messages waiting for me.  I pretty much flipped out.  I called at least half of the US telling them the great news, and also sent email to everyone I knew.  I was (to say the least), excited.  

And what I think is cool about what the scratch team does is that everyday they lift the burden of being a "nube", or a "new scratcher" from one user.  And for the rest of that day that one user pretty much doesn't care about the outside world and is drowned in the excitement of being noticed.

So that way my happy tirade about featuring.  Anyway I'd also like to announce the point of this blog. First of all, I blab about scratch and how awesome or terrible (depending on the mood) it is, I also recognize scratchers for good projects, and give updates or funny stories about what's going on in my life.  

I would recommend bookmarking this on your browser, because you probably don't want to miss out on the rest of the stuff I'll be posting.  So enjoy your day and feel free to comment!

Check out my page if you wanna: (link)